Ceramiche Caesar Headquarters Caesar Ceramics USA, Tiles, slabs and technical solutions

The journey through the New Caesar Gallery, the company showroom that Ceramiche Caesar has extended and renovated with the project of the architect Guglielmo Renzi, develops all around the headquarters of Fiorano Modenese.

1200 square metres: with respect to the previous structure, the surface is over twice the size. It has been divided into two floors, which feature exhibition and work spaces, as well as innovative reception areas and spaces for specific targets. The showroom has been designed to be a new interpretation of the company's products and its aim is to captivate the visitor in the same manner as an art exhibition would.

Our journey starts by revisiting the existing environments dedicated to the presentation of five Caesar collections and to CaesarTech, the technical solutions designed for architects and building companies that are looking for a product combining efficiency with aesthetics.

Ceramiche Caesar

Via del Canaletto, 49,
41042, Fiorano Modenese MO

+39 0536 817111

Data visita:

According to the provisions established by art. 13 of the DLgs 196/2003 we inform you that we will proceed with the treatment of your personal data submitted by your registration with this website to the sole purpose of activities related to our institutional business. The data is made use of for the promotion and trading of our products and generally for marketing activity and the sending of advertising materials relevant to our products. The collected data will not be distributed to any third party but they may be shared with those who deal with marketing and distribution on our behalf. The data processing holder is the company Ceramiche Caesar S.p.A with its registered office in Spezzano di Fiorano (Mo) C.F. 00179660360 P.IVA 00179660360 You may apply to the data processing holder in order to assert your rights as established by art. 7 DLgs 196/2003.